Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery • 11 Jul 2018

What is the hype with HYPPP?

While most cosmetic products and injectable fillers provide adequate skin hydration, they lack the ability to actively support the biological processes (e.g. collagen production, cell migration and proliferation, new vessel formation) that slow down during ageing. The reason for this is that skin cells can only interpret and respond to growth factor (GF) signals. In particular, optimal skin regeneration requires a specific composition of GFs, that is unique to each individual. Rather than a simple ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach, a new treatment philosophy is gradually emerging, one that is based on tailor-made solutions that are personalised and bioactive. Blood-based rejuvenation therapies have aimed towards this goal for years now, and hold a lot of promise, mainly because of the fact that blood is a great source of autologous GFs. However, to date, the clinical results and patient satisfaction rates have been mixed, with some patients responding better than others to treatment. What could be the reason for this?

Most blood-based therapies (e.g. PRP, PRFM, ACP®) utilize centrifugation of blood in order to produce plasma that is rich in platelets (PRP; platelet-rich plasma). Platelets are a type of blood cell involved in haemostasis (blood clotting). While platelets contain a range of growth factors involved in wound healing, their simple concentration through centrifugation results in an increase in both stimulatory as well as inhibitory factors. HYPPP® therapy (Hypoxia Preconditioned Plasma), on the other hand, utilizes blood conditioning, instead of blood centrifugation. This results in the exposure of blood cells (white blood cells and platelets) to conditions that are similar to those encountered within a wound (physiological temperature and hypoxia, i.e. low oxygen tension) through the innovative method of Extracorporeal Wound Simulation (EWS). Therefore, instead of simply concentrating a specific subset of cells (platelets), different types of blood cells are stimulated under hypoxia to produce the correct concentrations and ratios of growth factors that naturally drive tissue repair and regeneration. This technology is evidently superior to PRP, since the balance of growth factors in the mixture is determined by the individual’s cellular responses to hypoxia, rather than externally controlled by blood cell concentration through centrifugation. Moreover, HYPPP® therapies are completely cell-free, in contrast to platelet-rich products, and can therefore be safely applied onto skin (e.g. as a skincare product), without any risk of an allergic or inflammatory reaction.

A HYPPP- Lift is a kind of a liquid facelift, that has a long-lasting effect since it helps to rebuild the deep skin layer and leads to an improvement of skin biomechanical properties (e.g. elasticity, tightness). For a HYPPP-Lift injection, HYPPP® is combined with a solution of Thrombin that induces the formation of a fibrin-like gel matrix at the target site (similar to what normally happens within a wound). This matrix binds the HYPPP® growth factors, making sure that they are released gradually and continuously into the surrounding tissue. At the same time, the matrix serves as a scaffold that supports cell migration and sprouting of new blood vessels, which aids new tissue formation. The result is a deep skin rejuvenation, as well as improvement of facial contour and light reflectivity. Optionally, extra fibrinogen can be added to the composition according to the soft tissue augmentation effect desired. Therefore, HYPPP® can also be used as a filler to improve the appearance of wrinkles and surface irregularities.
For more information on HYPPP® therapeutic solutions please visit